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Witam.Pytanie moje dotyczy jak dla mnie chorej sytuacji która miała miejsce kilka tygodni temu. Kupiłenm modul eTicket i jak do tej pory nie udało sie go uruchomic. Próby kontaktu z twórcami tegoz modułu nic nie dały, ba nawet dany im dostęp do sklepu nie pozwolił im samym go poprawnie zainstalować. Dlatego zażądałem zwrotu pieniędzy i od tego czasu cisza. po prostu mnie olewają i od tygodnia nic. Czy w jakim stomniu administratorzy tej strony bo poprzez nia kupowałem ten moduł są w stanie wyegzekwować szybki zwrot pieniędzy .A poniżej podaje konwersacje do czasu zanim zamilkli


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  • Hello. I am writing because I have a problem. I would like to begin the configuration of the e-ticket module but it is not working on my presta shop It does not allow me to configure it, saying my access to it is blocked. As the super administrator, I should have the access to all of the options. What now? I have paid for something that is not working.
    Regards Mariusz
    You - 12/21/2015 21:48:09
  • Hello,

    The module don't have any access level checking. The only restriction to access it could come from the menu setting access in prestashop back office.

    May be try to reinstall it, and/or checking access files to your repository is good.

    At least could you please send me a screenshot of your error ?

    Regards Rate it
    The developer - 12/22/2015 09:40:23
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     Thank you for your time!
  • My computer does not allow me to screenshot, but when I go onto the Catalogue-AdminManageTickets, a page appears with a red stripe and cross saying: "access denied". In the configuration section, it only allows me to complete the first page where I input the EAN Prefix, the message displayed on the back of the ticket and I cannot do anything else apart from that.
    You - 12/22/2015 21:35:45
  • Hello,
    I'm writing again as I did not receive any help from you. I wanted to start selling from new year but the module is still unavailable. I can tell that I will have to buy a different module, and demand my money back from you as all I got is something that does not work. 
    You - 12/29/2015 22:12:21
  • Hello,
    I am writing as I did not receive a reply. I know that the recent period of time was Christmas and New Year but this is very important to me. I will remind you once more where the problem is. I have downloaded the module, installed it and configured it. The only link which has been added to the back office is the AdminManagement Tickets. However when I want to go into it, the message that appears is access denied. Nothing else appears. In the previous emails I have sent you the screenshot of it. How am I supposed to make it work? I have installed it correctly as I have followed the Eticket15_doc.en_v2.pdf 
    I'm waiting for a reply,
    You - 01/03/2016 23:55:54
  • Hello,

    We didn't received any screenshot as you said:
    "My computer does not allow me to screenshot".

    Can you go in your back-office Administration > Employee and check if your profile is SuperAdmin, if it's not the case, you need to contact a SuperAdmin of your shop to give you the access of the module.

    Regards, Rate it
    The developer - 01/04/2016 09:42:22
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     Thank you for your time!
  • Hi
    I am the super admin as I am the owner of the shop and I repeat once more that I am the super admin and have access to every part of it, so there is no problem laying there.
    You - 01/04/2016 19:22:53
  • Hello,

    I don't see any other choices but to install the tab manually.

    You need to go in Administration > Menus. There, you can click on the add button in the corner top right and create the 2 tab with theses parameters:

    Name: Scan E-Tickets
    Class: AdminScantickets
    Module: eticket 
    Parent: Order

    Name: List E-Tickets
    Class: AdminTicketslist
    Module: eticket 
    Parent: Order

    Can you access them?

    Regards, Rate it
    The developer - 01/05/2016 09:34:25
    Assistance quality
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     Thank you for your time!
  • Hello,
    I have installed it manually and two buttons have appeared in the orders. However, when I click on it, an information shows up saying "invalid Security Token". When I press accept, it opens the site anyway, however the information should not show up in the first place. Additionally, the first problem which I have written about (the AdminManage Ticket) still says "Access Denied" when I click onto it.
    You - 01/05/2016 22:40:42
  • Hello,

    Can you give the configuration of the AdminManageTicket in the Administration > Menus?

    You can also recreate it like the other two menus because he doesn't seem the have the good name:
    Name: Manage Ticket
    Class: AdminMananagetickets
    Module: eticket
    Parent: AdminCatalog

    It's really strange that you have an access denied if you're Super Admin since he doesn't need rights.

    For the other two menus, can you give us the URL after your admin folder? like this:

    Regards, Rate it
    The developer - 01/06/2016 09:50:41
    Assistance quality
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     Thank you for your time!
  • Hi
    It did not work. index.php?controller=AdminManageTickets&token=287a191ab39791d89f81824a675b1163 
    I copied folder. Yes, It's really strange that I not have an access denied if im Super Admin. I have information control adminnotfound is unavailable or damaged. Download attachment
    You - 01/06/2016 23:57:02
  • Hello,

    Can you give us an access to check?

    Regards, Rate it
    The developer - 01/07/2016 09:50:40
    Assistance quality
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     Thank you for your time!
  • Ok




    You - 01/07/2016 21:56:18
  • Hello. Have you forgotten about me? I've gave you the access to the account a few days ago and nothing has changed. Does this module finally work then or not? If not the return me my money. I cannot wait any longer. Mariusz
    You - 01/11/2016 19:50:25
  • Hello,

    I've check your admin but cannot figure why it's not working, it's like the module is missing some files.

    Can you send me the module you used to install it?

    Regards. Rate it
    The developer - 01/12/2016 09:42:32Assistance quali
    Response ti
     Thank you for your time!
  • When I have paid for the module, you've sent it to me. I have nothing else. I'm sending it in the attachment. Sorry, but if by Friday it is not working for me and you do not fix it, I will contact PayPal to return me my money as I cannot wait any longer.
    Regards Mariusz
    You - 01/12/2016 22:33:39
  • Hello
    The modem will work ???
    You - 01/14/2016 00:00:41
  • Hello.
    I can see that you have not fixed the problem, and you have no idea what it does not work. This is why I am getting rid of it tomorrow in the evening, and I am waiting for my money to be returned. I hope there will be no problem with that, as if you are selling something that does not work then I do not need it. I've only wasted time.
    You - 01/14/2016 22:11:12
  • Like I said, the module has been deleted. And since it is not working, and even you could not fix it or make it work, I demand a right away return of my money. The last time you have replied to my email was the 1st of December, and since then you are ignoring me, which also shows how unprofessional you are. I am only interested now in when the money will be returned onto my account.


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Jako autorzy możemy użyć przycisku "Accept refund to customer" więc sam autor może powiadomić PrestaShop by zwrócili Ci pieniądze, oczywiście możesz skontaktować się bezpośrednio z PrestaShop tutaj:



Wybierz temat, że masz problem "Po sprzedaży" i napisz, że moduł mimo wielu starań nie działa, developer nie odpowiada i chciałbyś zwrot pieniędzy - na pewno nie będą robić problemów.


btw. dlaczego nie możesz zrobić screenshot na swoim komputerze?  :huh:

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