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Backoffice Slow Performance - Save Button For Products Grey For 10 To 30 Seconds


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Hi team

We are running version prestashop, we have updated the memory to 256M

However, our back office is really slow, the front end looks fine, it was much quicker a few days ago and we have not changed anything.... so we can't find the issue

When trying to save products the save button stays grey for a long time (between 10 and 30 seconds) before we can save the product.

We have run the debug and profiling mode to the development site

_PS_MODE_DEV_ = true


Also, we have set the cache in BO > Advanced Parameters > Performance


Only when modify

File system

Empty if anything has been modified



And this is what we have received from the BO when opening a product, please could you advise?


Load Time 5604 ms - You'd better run your shop on a toaster

Querying Time 130 ms

Queries 21

Memory Peak Usage 110.2 Mb

Included Files 473 files - 6.39 Mb

PrestaShop Cache 0.82 Mb

Global vars 3.90 Mb



PrestaShop Version PHP Version 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.21 (Consider upgrading)

MySQL Version 5.5.46-37.5-log (Consider upgrading)

Memory Limit 256M

Max Execution Time 30s

Smarty Cache enabled

Smarty Compilation auto



  Time Cumulated Time Memory Usage Memory Peak Usage

config 839 ms 839 ms 28.93 Mb 31.05 Mb

__construct 0 ms 839 ms - Mb 31.05 Mb

init 3181 ms 4020 ms 6.85 Mb 36.16 Mb

checkAccess 0 ms 4020 ms - Mb 36.16 Mb

setMedia 331 ms 4351 ms 0.30 Mb 36.50 Mb

postProcess 7 ms 4358 ms 0.01 Mb 36.50 Mb

initHeader 209 ms 4566 ms 1.87 Mb 38.21 Mb

initContent 1021 ms 5587 ms 70.78 Mb 109.04 Mb

initFooter 1 ms 5588 ms 0.06 Mb 109.08 Mb

display 16 ms 5604 ms 1.04 Mb 110.25 Mb


Hook Time Memory Usage

hookdisplayBackOfficeHeader 694 ms 0.50 Mb

__construct 41 ms 6.25 Mb

hookactionAdminControllerSetMedia 0 ms - Mb

hookbackofficeheader 0 ms -

Mb hookmoduleRoutes 0 ms - Mb 5 hooks 736 ms 6.75 Mb




Module Time Memory Usage

gamification 698 ms 0.75 Mb

jmsadvblog 10 ms 1.50 Mb

paypal 10 ms 2.00 Mb

jmssetting 7 ms 1.25 Mb

cronjobs 6 ms 0.75 Mb

themeconfigurator 3 ms 0.25 Mb

graphnvd3 2 ms 0.25 Mb

7 modules 736 ms 6.75 Mb


See screen capture and full report file attached

Please could you advise





Edited by joanseculi (see edit history)
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