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Change Order Status Bulk Actions Causes Error 500


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Hello all,


Wondering if someone is able to point me in the right direction, we have been using prestashop 1.6.1 for 2/3 months.


Here is the scenario - using the "bulk actions" at the bottom of back office admin > orders page you can "change order status".


When we arrive in the morning we change the status of all "payment accepted" orders to "in progress" - this works fine. 


After the orders have been packed and collected we then go into the back office again, following the same process above we select "shipped". This is when the problem occurs - Error 500. 


So to confirm we can bulk change the order status from payment accepted to in progress but cant change the status from in progress to shipped.


I thought it might be the number of transactions but it occurs even if we select a single order.


We are resorting to manually going into each and every order to change the status which as you can imagine is time consuming as we get a lot of orders a day.


Any help would be appreciated.




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  • 2 months later...

Hi Jack,


have you found a solution for this problem?

I have had this problem since the release of v1.6 now and I often go into the mySQL database and manually change each order status - I found this to be much quicker than having to open every order and changing the order status with the dropdown...




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Hi Clemens,


Unfortunately not, and I also started doing this via mysql.


As we have grown we now actually have a member of staff doing the order processing, and as you can imagine I dont want to give her access to the sql backend so she is doing it manually... im just hoping someone will fix it in a later version.



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  • 1 year later...



I had a similar issue but was getting a white screen. I found that by going into the order status settings on "Shipped" and unticking the option "Set the order as shipped." fixes the error. 


I'm not sure what that function actually anyway does as the order status still changes to shipped and the customer still receives an email.


Hope that helps

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  • 2 years later...
On 3/30/2017 at 12:15 PM, facethefuture said:



I had a similar issue but was getting a white screen. I found that by going into the order status settings on "Shipped" and unticking the option "Set the order as shipped." fixes the error. 


I'm not sure what that function actually anyway does as the order status still changes to shipped and the customer still receives an email.


Hope that helps

it actually seem to really matters. I have problems now after using for years prestashop, I get like you all this error 500 when filtering old orders I recently bulk changed their statuses.

The problem with what you say (unticking the option "set order as shipped") is that the stock management system of Prestashop won't ever consider the products contained on those orders as really shipped, the ASM will still keep them as physical stock you may still have and reserved for those orders.

I'm getting crazy now trying to find the way to change directly on the SQL this condition, so I can tell Prestashop that all those very old orders are shipped so the ASM releases the reserved fake stock in order for us to start from scratch with a healthy stock management system, but there is no way. I also tried to manually change on the SQL the values to reset the stock levels, but somehow prestashop gets to undo what I change on the SQL

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