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How Can I Disable Add To Cart Button Unless Combination Value Is Selected?


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I have managed to add two combinations and a null (i.e., Choose) item and made it the default.


Problem is unless customer chooses one item, the default automatically gets added to the order!


Is it possible to disable the 'Add to Cart' button until customer chooses one of the items?


Showing a tooltip on hover would also help, or throwing a warning on the page. 


Does anyone know how to modify the product page to enable this very useful modification?




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Thanks, BO, but that option is supposed to hide the button when combinations are present but it doesn't do so on the product page (am also using a custom theme but am pretty sure same behaviour applies).


What I'm after is for the button to be "disabled" when combinations are present, but enabled when a combination value is selected on the product page. This way, the customer is forced to choose what is added to the cart, instead of the merchant by selecting a default.

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I see what you're saying, however as far as the system is concerned, when you are looking at the product itself, options are already picked, so it shows the button.  I am clueless on how to do what you want, it would take some coding, and it's outta my paygrade.  Hopefully someone else can help.....

Edited by SLiCK_303 (see edit history)
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The problem is Prestashop forcing you to select an option, so button is enabled, not providing a null menu, similar to countries menu, and not disabling button when choises are included. Sure all of that can be fixed with a few lines of code, says someone who has no coding skill whatsoever...

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