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Back Office - Menu Commandes - Comment Rajouter Un Champs

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Je cherches depuis pas mal de temps comment rajouter un champs dans le menu avec le listing des commandes. (2ème menu à gauche dans le BO)


Ce que je souhaites, c'est rajouter une information sur le mode de livraison à côté du mode de paiement (colissimo, relais, etc...)


Au passage, où se trouve le fichier qui gère l'affichage du contenu d'une commande. Je voudrais rajouter des informations sur les groupes auquels appartient le client.


Merci d'avance :)

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Il faut modifier la fonction 'construct' du fichier controllers/admin/adminorderscontroller

public function __construct()
		$this->bootstrap = true;
		$this->table = 'order';
		$this->className = 'Order';
		$this->lang = false;
		$this->explicitSelect = true;
		$this->allow_export = true;
		$this->deleted = false;
		$this->context = Context::getContext();

		$this->_select = '
		a.id_order AS id_pdf,
		CONCAT(LEFT(c.`firstname`, 1), \'. \', c.`lastname`) AS `customer`,
		osl.`name` AS `osname`,
		IF((SELECT so.id_order FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'orders` so WHERE so.id_customer = a.id_customer AND so.id_order < a.id_order LIMIT 1) > 0, 0, 1) as new,
		country_lang.name as cname,
		ca.name as carrier_name,
		IF(a.valid, 1, 0) badge_success';

		$this->_join = '
		LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'customer` c ON (c.`id_customer` = a.`id_customer`)
		INNER JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'address` address ON address.id_address = a.id_address_delivery
		INNER JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'country` country ON address.id_country = country.id_country
		INNER JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'country_lang` country_lang ON (country.`id_country` = country_lang.`id_country` AND country_lang.`id_lang` = '.(int)$this->context->language->id.')
		LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'carrier` ca ON (a.`id_carrier` = ca.`id_carrier`)
		LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'order_state` os ON (os.`id_order_state` = a.`current_state`)
		LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'order_state_lang` osl ON (os.`id_order_state` = osl.`id_order_state` AND osl.`id_lang` = '.(int)$this->context->language->id.')';
		$this->_orderBy = 'id_order';
		$this->_orderWay = 'DESC';
		$this->_use_found_rows = false;

		$statuses = OrderState::getOrderStates((int)$this->context->language->id);
		foreach ($statuses as $status)
			$this->statuses_array[$status['id_order_state']] = $status['name'];

		$this->fields_list = array(
			'id_order' => array(
				'title' => $this->l('ID'),
				'align' => 'text-center',
				'class' => 'fixed-width-xs'
			'reference' => array(
				'title' => $this->l('Reference')
			'new' => array(
				'title' => $this->l('New client'),
				'align' => 'text-center',
				'type' => 'bool',
				'tmpTableFilter' => true,
				'orderby' => false,
				'callback' => 'printNewCustomer'
			'customer' => array(
				'title' => $this->l('Customer'),
				'havingFilter' => true,

		if (Configuration::get('PS_B2B_ENABLE'))
			$this->fields_list = array_merge($this->fields_list, array(
				'company' => array(
					'title' => $this->l('Company'),
					'filter_key' => 'c!company'

		$this->fields_list = array_merge($this->fields_list, array(
			'total_paid_tax_incl' => array(
				'title' => $this->l('Total'),
				'align' => 'text-right',
				'type' => 'price',
				'currency' => true,
				'callback' => 'setOrderCurrency',
				'badge_success' => true
			'payment' => array(
				'title' => $this->l('Payment')
			'carrier_name' => array(
				'title' => $this->l('Carrier')
			'osname' => array(
				'title' => $this->l('Status'),
				'type' => 'select',
				'color' => 'color',
				'list' => $this->statuses_array,
				'filter_key' => 'os!id_order_state',
				'filter_type' => 'int',
				'order_key' => 'osname'
			'date_add' => array(
				'title' => $this->l('Date'),
				'align' => 'text-right',
				'type' => 'datetime',
				'filter_key' => 'a!date_add'
			'id_pdf' => array(
				'title' => $this->l('PDF'),
				'align' => 'text-center',
				'callback' => 'printPDFIcons',
				'orderby' => false,
				'search' => false,
				'remove_onclick' => true

		if (Country::isCurrentlyUsed('country', true))
			$result = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->ExecuteS('
			SELECT DISTINCT c.id_country, cl.`name`
			FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'orders` o
			'.Shop::addSqlAssociation('orders', 'o').'
			INNER JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'address` a ON a.id_address = o.id_address_delivery
			INNER JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'country` c ON a.id_country = c.id_country
			INNER JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'country_lang` cl ON (c.`id_country` = cl.`id_country` AND cl.`id_lang` = '.(int)$this->context->language->id.')
			ORDER BY cl.name ASC');

			$country_array = array();
			foreach ($result as $row)
				$country_array[$row['id_country']] = $row['name'];

			$part1 = array_slice($this->fields_list, 0, 3);
			$part2 = array_slice($this->fields_list, 3);
			$part1['cname'] = array(
				'title' => $this->l('Delivery'),
				'type' => 'select',
				'list' => $country_array,
				'filter_key' => 'country!id_country',
				'filter_type' => 'int',
				'order_key' => 'cname'
			$this->fields_list = array_merge($part1, $part2);

		$this->shopLinkType = 'shop';
		$this->shopShareDatas = Shop::SHARE_ORDER;

		if (Tools::isSubmit('id_order'))
			// Save context (in order to apply cart rule)
			$order = new Order((int)Tools::getValue('id_order'));
			$this->context->cart = new Cart($order->id_cart);
			$this->context->customer = new Customer($order->id_customer);

		$this->bulk_actions = array(
			'updateOrderStatus' => array('text' => $this->l('Change Order Status'), 'icon' => 'icon-refresh')


A mettre dans un override si possible :)

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