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Problem To Customize Product Attributes Page

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Hello everyone, sorry for my bad english, I go straight to the core of my problem.

I'm trying to edit a template of a theme that I downloaded. As it regards the various graphic configurations no problem.
The biggest problem lies in changing the image size of the attributes of the product.

In a nutshell I deleted the default fields of prestashop (size, color and size shoes) and I created fields: Leather, Wire and Size for the customization of a sofa. Where in Leather I uploaded pictures of various color and type of my leather, in Wire i uploded pictures with the colors of the wires and in Size I uploaded pictures of the sofa (2 seats, 3 seats, and so on).

I modified the size in product.css but the images remain with the default size. I realized so that the image size is not handled by the CSS but directly from the file product.tpl. So I tried to change the size in the file product.tpl but without any positive results, that I do not change any size.


Thank you. Appearance answers.

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