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Backup Products Only

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Hi, anyone familiar on how to backup/export only the products?

Basically I would like to make a backup of only the products information, and its images. Instead of backing up the entire website, and the entire database. Maybe an export feature could be made in an upcoming version. Thanks.

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My "backup Admin Tab":http://www.prestashop.com/forums/viewthread/4765/modules/backup_module will soon be added to the next version of PrestaShop. This allows you to backup the entire database to a sql file. It however doesn't back up the product images or any other files. Perhaps I should change it so it does :)


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I had already starting "planning" this but it quickly overcame my programming ability. Simply planning became an issue as the products would need to backup all the categories they are in, their attributes, and related products etc.. So when you would import them back in to a fresh install you would get errors with the categories and attributes if they were not previously created I would assume unless the script created the categories and attributes, related products etc...

The logical reasoning behind this is too simply populate a fresh install with your products, by backing up the products portion of the database and its images. I believe the best approach would be to upload your images, place all imported products into the Home category, create the attributes, and related products automatically. Also having just a backup of your products is better than the entire website, the script could possible than be setup automatically via a cronjob or such.

I hope this make some kind of sense ;) I really look forward to trying your script, if you would like to some help I would be more than glad to, keep in mind I am a novice programmer, and can simply hack/edit scripts to suit my needs, but if enough time passes I might just work on this myself.

Thanks for your reply

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