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Problem With Customized Product In E-Mail Template

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I have a problem and hope u someone could help me.
So all products in my e-shop are with text fields. When customer orders something, He gets a letter (template "order_conf"). That's obvious for some of you. However the problem is in that letter. 

As you can see I've only ordered just one product but PS has generated two rows and two prices. This could affect my costumer in a bad way. Even though "Sumokėta viso" (It means "total") is €17 but it still could seen that two products was ordered. 

Is there any way to fix this? 

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Hi Friend,


I was also facing this issue then bought this module on below link. I also liked its design and other features.


Check it once: http://addons.prestashop.com/en/checkout-modules/18016-one-page-checkout-with-social-login-mailchimp.html


They have a customizable product on their demo homepage, add that product and check their checkout page, you will see that these guys are not showing this cost twice.

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