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Some question about seo - migration from ID to Friendly url


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Hi guys. I have online presta shop with ~ 500 products. Till this moment i didn`t touch friendly url option. And all my products was been with www.myurl.com/product.php?id_product=132 , but now i start my friendly url and because i didnt touch "Click here to improve product's rank in search engines (SEO)" i see my products like www.myurl.com/16--.html

Okay this is not a problem. I make all 500 products manualy, BUT I have question. Because my shop is on cirylic IS IT GOOD to do:
Meta title: and Meta description: and Name of product to be equally ??

For example i have product - Name is baby oil 500gr. i put meta title : baby oil 500gr and meta description - baby oil 500gr and Friendly URL: www.myurl.com/baby-oil-500.html

and because i think to do like this to all my product - my question IS IT GOOD TO DO THis ???

tHANKS again... and sorry for my english :)

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Same keywords in the title and desc is bad idea.
Google shows up to 50 chatracters of title and up to 150 characters of description as snippet in the serp.
I suggest you create more quality description cause it influence on your convertion rate in the serp.

p.s. Add your site to Google Webmaster Tools and read Google Webmaster Help.

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