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After Upgrade to Version - 0.690s images on sub pages does not shown

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I upgraded to Version - 0.690s.
After that, I uploaded Addstuff module and Wiznav module. ( http://www.ecartservice.net/05082008/addstuff-for-prestashop/ )

I published both of them. Every thing was ok, untill I go to any other page of my web site except home page. When I go any page different then hope page, the Wiznav menu images and AddStuff module images are not seen, instead of images the big Question Marks are seen.

I noticed that, if I de-activate SEF url from BO, then this problem goes away.

I tried to re-create the htaccess file, but it did not help.

I searched on internet for some tips, but unfortunately I could not find any thing.

Now I disabled Wiznav menu module, but the addstuff is still on the web site, on the left and right coloumn.

Any idea ?

PROBLEMATIC WEB SITE URL is: www.pasanargile.com

Best Regards



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