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Attributes % combinations not working properly

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Hi! I'm having dozens and dozens and dozens and dozens of problems with PS. This time, with the attributes and combinations on products. For some reason, i can't see new atributes on PS. I'm using the lastest version (; i want to add a new colour to an article, so i go to the Attributes section, add it, go back to the product config, to the combinations generator, and... SURPRISE!!! the new colours I added are not shown...


I made 2 screenshots, on the first one you can see all my "Models" attributes. For example, the last one (that i want to add actually, and i can't) is called ALASKA. http://i.imgur.com/U1I5pBx.png


On this second picture, you can see the product config once i want to made the combinations (since i've got different models and sizes). http://i.imgur.com/ZREFQZA.png


Curious shit, the model no. 47 was "DRAGONES" (is the third one you can see on the combinations screenshot), i renamed it to "ALASKA" to try if it updates on the combinations list, and NO! "DRAGONES" is still showing up. It's like if the page is not being updated with the new atributes i make.


What the hell is happening?? Thanks in advance.


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