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[] Adding APE / SIRET to the guest checkout - HOW?

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Everybody's trying to remove APE/SIRET from the shop completely, but I'd like to add these fields to the guest order.


The default setup is that APE/SIRET fields are present only in account creation, but not in guest checkout.


I tried to change this in BO->Localization->Countries under the "Address format", but there is just option to add "Customer:siret" and "Customer:ape" and it didn't change anything.


When I change this to just "siret" and "ape", it says:


3 errors 

  1. This property does not exist in the class or is forbidden.: Address: siret
  2. This name is not allowed.: siret
  3. This name is not allowed.: ape


Could you help me with that plase? How can I add "ape" and "siret" fields into guest checkout?


Thank you very much in advance



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