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What's right for me Multi-Stores or Stock Management?

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I'm looking for help with setting up Multi-Stores or Stock Management on Prestashop. Before I go on, I will tell you what my issues are. I have two stores, one in New York and the other one in Pennsylvania. Both stores have the same stock But don't have the same quantities. Also some store may never reserve some stock. I do not own these store, there are where the stock is ship from.I would like to set up a website that allows customers to pick what store to ship from.


Exp: Is Joe smith is looking for a hat, shirt and socks on the site. I would like to set up in or round the add to cart button, to show the stock level for each store, like:



New York 0

Pennsylvania 12



New York 6

Pennsylvania 5



New York 5

Pennsylvania 0


Now that Joe can see what in sock and where, this will help him pick the right stock from right store.


by allowing customer to see the stock quantities.  I believe this will reduce the shipping cost for customers (double shipping cost). Also if I don't do this I believe that a lot of customers will cancel there order when they find out that they will have to waiting for items too come in stock.


I have ask this questions before and was suggested to setup a  multi-stores and GEOIP with PS.


I have also have been suggested to use Stock Management.


The intervals that made these suggested  have told me that they have ever set up or use these methods before that they are only an idea.


I'm asking every one here what so you think I should do?? Also if you have an idea please share.




Edited by natebc (see edit history)
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