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Availability in product feed

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I am using the following: http://www.prestatips.dk/wp-content/plugins/downloads-manager/upload/xml_export_pricerunner_14x_ny.zip to create a daily product feed for the price compaision website.


How would I go about adding the availability info (in / out of stock) instead of using the hardcoded "IN STOCK" value?


I tried getting the info about the product when inside the loop, but I always get quantity of 1000, no matter the actual status.


How come product page in the shop displays correct availability info, even though it uses the same database, and sees 1000 as quantity (that's how it's in DB for every product, somehow)? When debugging, I found out that the quantity for out of stock products is set to -100 on product pages (db data hasn't changed).

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