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ERREUR -> PrestaShopDatabaseException

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Bonjour à tous, 


j'ai un problème lorsque je veux accéder a ma boutique ma boutique, le message suivant :



You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ') AND cs.`id_shop` = 1 AND cs.`ctm` = 1 GROUP BY id_category ORDER B' at line 9

SELECT c.id_parent, c.id_category, cl.name, cl.description, cl.link_rewrite

                       FROM `ps_category` c

                       LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` cl ON (c.`id_category` = cl.`id_category` AND cl.`id_lang` = 1 AND cl.id_shop = 1 )

                       LEFT JOIN `ps_category_group` cg ON (cg.`id_category` = c.`id_category`)

                       LEFT JOIN `ps_category_shop` cs ON (cs.`id_category` = c.`id_category`)

                       WHERE (c.`active` = 1 OR c.`id_category` = 2)

                       AND c.`id_category` != 1

                       AND `level_depth` <= 5

                       AND cg.`id_group` IN ()

                       AND cs.`id_shop` = 1

                       AND cs.`ctm` = 1

                       GROUP BY id_category

                       ORDER BY `level_depth` ASC, cs.`position` ASC

at line 765 in file classes/db/Db.php

760.                   WebserviceRequest::getInstance()->setError(500, '

 '.$this->getMsgError().'. From '.(isset($dbg[3]['class']) ? $dbg[3]['class'] : '').'->'.$dbg[3]['function'].'() Query was : '.$sql, 97);

761.           }

762.           elseif (_PS_DEBUG_SQL_ && $errno && !defined('PS_INSTALLATION_IN_PROGRESS'))

763.           {

764.                   if ($sql)

765.                           throw new PrestaShopDatabaseException($this->getMsgError().'<br /><br /><pre>'.$sql.'</pre>');


767.                   throw new PrestaShopDatabaseException($this->getMsgError());

768.           }

769.    }


  • DbCore->displayError - [line 418 - classes/db/Db.php] - [1 Arguments]
  • DbCore->query - [line 620 - classes/db/Db.php] - [1 Arguments]
  • DbCore->executeS - [line 871 - modules/categoriestopmenu/categoriestopmenu.php] - [1 Arguments]
  • CategoriesTopMenu->hookTop - [line 569 - classes/Hook.php] - [1 Arguments]
  • HookCore::coreCallHook - [line 526 - classes/Hook.php] - [3 Arguments]
  • HookCore::exec - [line 580 - classes/controller/FrontController.php] - [1 Arguments]
  • FrontControllerCore->initContent - [line 37 - controllers/front/IndexController.php]
  • IndexControllerCore->initContent - [line 180 - classes/controller/Controller.php]
  • ControllerCore->run - [line 373 - classes/Dispatcher.php]
  • DispatcherCore->dispatch - [line 28 - index.php]
  • 23. *  @license    http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php  Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
  • 24. *  International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA
  • 25. */
  • 26.
  • 27. require(dirname(__FILE__).'/config/config.inc.php');
  • 28. Dispatcher::getInstance()->dispatch();


Seuleement ce qui est très bizarre est que ce message apparaît que sur mon PC, j'ai testé sur plusieurs PC et le site fonctionne parfaitement, cela provient donc surement de mon pc, avez vous une idée d'ou cette erreur peut venir ?


Merci beaucoup


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