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Prices round just before adding a new bo order!


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I am experiencing an issue with the back office orders.


All the math is exact (tax incl., tax excl., etc.) so I can add products, add discounts (I created an ad hoc field), change quantity, etc. and everything is working.

But, as soon as I click the finalize button, I got strange results.


For example, if I add a 8,90€ item, I have a tax excluded price at 7,293082. If I click finalize the tax excl. field just a moment before leaving the page and going to the finalized order page turns to be 7.3 and 8,90 turns consequently to 8,91 and all the invoices are not correct.


I had a look at all files possible, Order.php, Cart.php, SpecificPrice.php and admin controllers as well. But nothing... 

Obviously I have only price rounded at 6 for tax excluded or 2 for tax included and classical round. 


Does anybody know what is going on? I'm on PS




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