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Link to page containing list of articles from specific category


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I was searching around, but couldnt find possible option for such page. I can show specific cms page, but not category page. I want to add link "Blog" in navigation which leads to page, containing list of articles from "Blog" category in backoffice->cms (like in wordpress, haha ).


I did found "CMS block" module, but how i can attach it to costume page? 


Help and some materials are appreciated. Thanks



ps version 1.6.1  

Edited by kristapszs (see edit history)
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I am sorry but I assume I do not understand your question.


If you create a CMS page you can create as many links to as many pages as you like.


Perhaps a little bit more detail about what you are trying to achieve would be a good idea.



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I am sorry but I assume I do not understand your question.


If you create a CMS page you can create as many links to as many pages as you like.


Perhaps a little bit more detail about what you are trying to achieve would be a good idea.




Hi! I will try to explain.


Yes, you can create CMS pages . But i want to create separate page/section which contains list of created CMS pages from one category. 


I create new CMS category "Blog" . I then create some cms pages under this category, "Article 1" , "Article 2" , "Article 3" . Then i want to add link to navigation called "News/Blog" , which opens list of cms pages ( so , article 1, article 2 etc ), from specific category (in this example, category is "blog") . So, open link to page, list with articles from category show up. I dont want to link to a cms page, i wanna see links of all cms pages in one place. 

Edited by kristapszs (see edit history)
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