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Error while adding/editting product in cart

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Good afternoon everyone,


Right now our webshop is near finished, however we're having some technical issues.

When adding a new product to the cart, we get the following error:

Impossible to add the product to the cart.
textStatus: 'parsererror'
errorThrown: 'SyntaxError: Unexpected token e'
test{"products":[{"id":12,"link":"http:\/\/mauiesviskwekerij.nl\/index.php?id_product=12&controller=product","quantity":2,"image":"http:\/\/mauiesviskwekerij.nl\/img\/p\/2\/2\/0\/220-home_default.jpg","image_cart":"http:\/\/mauiesviskwekerij.nl\/img\/p\/2\/2\/0\/220-cart_default.jpg","priceByLine":"45,00 \u20ac","name":"L002 Panaqolus vermiculata\/tiger","price":"45,00 \u20ac","price_float":37.2,"idCombination":0,"idAddressDelivery":5,"is_gift":false,"hasAttributes":false,"hasCustomizedDatas":false,"customizedDatas":[]}],"discounts":[],"shippingCost":"0,00 \u20ac","shippingCostFloat":0,"wrappingCost":"0,00 \u20ac","nbTotalProducts":2,"total":"45,00 \u20ac","productTotal":"45,00 \u20ac","freeShipping":"0,00 \u20ac","freeShippingFloat":0,"hasError":false}

However, it does add the product to the cart when you ignore the error message.

The same goes for editting products in the cart, such as deleting them:


TECHNICAL ERROR: unable to save update quantity Details: Error thrown: [object Object] Text status: parsererror

Could anyone please help out? It's the last thing to fix ;) 

Website URL: http://www.mauiesviskwekerij.nl/

Thanks in advance,



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