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Cart : New functionnality


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I will like to be able to inform a new parameter in my shopping cart. I will like that the customer can ask for a parameter of cut for his product.

Example: a product ordered with a quantity of 3 meters, the customer can require to cut the product in 3 x 1 meter.


In shopping-cart.tpl, I added :

{if $product.id_category_default != 99}<th class="cart_coupe item text-center">{l s='Coupe'}</th>{/if}

In shopping-cart-product-line.tpl, I added :

{if $product.id_category_default != 99}
    <td class="coupe_tissus" data-title="{l s='Coupe'}">
        <input id="coupe_select" type="checkbox">Coupe</input>
        <div id="param_coupe">
            <div class="coupe-content"><input id="nb_pieces" type="text" value="{$product.cart_quantity}" style="width:40px;"/> pièces x <input id="nb_metres" type="text" style="width:40px;" disabled /> m</div>

Lastly, in my cart-summary.js, I will like to be able to display or not the div param_coupe function of the checkbox coupe_select :

function CalculCoupe()
        }, function(){

Of course, I wrote my CalculeCoupe() function right before the functions so that executed out.


Result : my first line functions correctly. On the other hand, if I add 2 products in my shopping cart, the first line of product, that's work but not for the second-row forward.

Herewith, a screen of the result. If I check the 1st line, my div appears. Not for 2nd since it appears without being checked. How to carry out my Javascript for each lines of products ?


Edited by Serial (see edit history)
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