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Front office inaccessible et passage en commande impossible ecran noir ...

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Depuis ce matin le back office est inaccessible avec ce message en mode debug :

Fatal error: Call to undefined function class_exists() in /home/laboutiqrw/www/toto/functions.php on line 257

if (!class_exists($tab, false) OR !$row['id_tab'])
function checkingTab($tab){	global $adminObj, $cookie;	$tab = trim($tab);	if (!Validate::isTabName($tab))		return false;			$row = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getRow('SELECT id_tab, module FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'tab` WHERE class_name = \''.pSQL($tab).'\'');	if (!$row['id_tab'])	{		if (isset(AdminTab::$tabParenting[$tab]))			Tools::redirectAdmin('?tab='.AdminTab::$tabParenting[$tab].'&token='.Tools::getAdminTokenLite(AdminTab::$tabParenting[$tab]));		echo Tools::displayError('Tab cannot be found.');		return false;	}	if ($row['module'] AND file_exists(_PS_MODULE_DIR_.$row['module'].'/'.$tab.'.php'))		include_once(_PS_MODULE_DIR_.$row['module'].'/'.$tab.'.php');	elseif (file_exists(PS_ADMIN_DIR.'/tabs/'.$tab.'.php'))		include_once(PS_ADMIN_DIR.'/tabs/'.$tab.'.php');	if (!class_exists($tab, false) OR !$row['id_tab'])  ligne 257	{		echo Tools::displayError('Tab file cannot be found.');		return false;	}	$adminObj = new $tab;	if (!$adminObj->viewAccess() AND ($adminObj->table != 'employee' OR $cookie->id_employee != Tools::getValue('id_employee') OR !Tools::isSubmit('updateemployee')))	{		$adminObj->_errors = array(Tools::displayError('Access denied'));		echo $adminObj->displayErrors();		return false;	}	return $row['id_tab'];}

Et écran vide dans front office si passage en Commande avec ce message en mode debug :

Fatal error: Call to undefined function class_exists() in /home/laboutiqrw/www/classes/AddressFormat.php on line 317

if (($totalName == 2) && class_exists($associateName[0]) &&
public static function getFormattedAddressFieldsValues($address, &$addressFormat)	{		global $cookie;				$tab = array();		$temporyObject = array();				// Check if $address exist and it's an instanciate object of Address		if ($address && ($address instanceof Address))			foreach ($addressFormat as $line)			{				if (($keyList = preg_split(self::_CLEANING_REGEX_, $line, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY)) && is_array($keyList))				{					foreach ($keyList as $pattern)						if ($associateName = explode(':', $pattern))						{							$totalName = count($associateName);							if ($totalName == 1 && isset($address->{$associateName[0]}))								$tab[$associateName[0]] = $address->{$associateName[0]};							else 							{								$tab[$pattern] = '';																// Check if the property exist in both classes								if (($totalName == 2) && class_exists($associateName[0]) &&  LIGNE 317 									Tools::property_exists($associateName[0], $associateName[1]) &&									Tools::property_exists($address, 'id_'.strtolower($associateName[0])))								{									$idFieldName = 'id_'.strtolower($associateName[0]);									if (!isset($temporyObject[$associateName[0]]))										$temporyObject[$associateName[0]] = new $associateName[0]($address->{$idFieldName});									if ($temporyObject[$associateName[0]])										$tab[$pattern] = (is_array($temporyObject[$associateName[0]]->{$associateName[1]})) ?											((isset($temporyObject[$associateName[0]]->{$associateName[1]}[(isset($cookie) ? $cookie->id_lang : _PS_LANG_DEFAULT_)])) ? 											$temporyObject[$associateName[0]]->{$associateName[1]}[(isset($cookie) ? $cookie->id_lang : _PS_LANG_DEFAULT_)] : '') :											$temporyObject[$associateName[0]]->{$associateName[1]};								}							}						}						self::_setOriginalDisplayFormat($tab, $line, $keyList);				}			}		self::cleanOrderedAddress($addressFormat);		// Free the instanciate objects		foreach ($temporyObject as &$object)			unset($object);		return $tab;	}		/*	 * Generates the full address text	 * @address is an instanciate object of Address class	 * @patternrules is a defined rules array to avoid some pattern	 * @newLine is a string containing the newLine format	 * @separator is a string containing the separator format	 */

Merci d'avance à tous,

Edited by thebiker (see edit history)
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