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Place Orders not registering in Stats Dashboard module, or Dashboard.

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I cannot see any sales from July onwards in the Dashboard, or in the Stats Dashboard module, in PS I can for previous months.


Does anyone have a fix? Some suggest turning on invoices, which is turned on, or clicking Day, then Month but not working for me.



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I had a similar problem, while looking in the modules (statssale and dashtrends) code I found that the module was filtering only "validated" orders, and my 2 main state (Processing and complete) where not validated.


In "Back end" -> "Orders" -> "Statuses" I clicked "Edit" on my statuses "processing" and "completed", then I checked "Consider the associated order as validated." for both of them. This was not backward compatible.


To have your stats backward either update trough MySQL or through a script (change 14 byt he correct state_id):

UPDATE `ps_orders` SET `valid`=1 WHERE `current_state`=14;

Or trough a looping script:

require_once 'config/config.inc.php';

$id_order_states = array(13,14); // List state_ids

foreach($id_order_states as $id_order_state){
    $orders = Order::getOrderIdsByStatus($id_order_state);
    foreach($orders as $id_order){
        $sql = 'UPDATE '._DB_PREFIX_.'orders
                    SET `valid`=1 
                    WHERE `id_order`='. (int) $id_order;

        $result = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->execute($sql);

Or trough a script trough the objects

require_once 'config/config.inc.php';

$id_order_states = array(13,14); // List state_ids

foreach($id_order_states as $id_order_state){
    $orders = Order::getOrderIdsByStatus($id_order_state);
    foreach($orders as $id_order){
        $order = new Order($id_order);
        $order->valid = true;

Hope it helps.



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Any other ideas anyone?... Am only one having this problem in 16.0.14? If it helps, in the database, current_state is set to #2 for majority of orders, and valid is set to #1.


In the Dashboard, there are hundreds of orders under Pending. Why pending? They have been paid for here is no option that I can find to change order from Pending to Validated.


There were a dozen or so test orders using Bank Wire but changing their status to Cancelled still shows same number of Pending orders in the Dashboard.


In the Orders page, the Status is set to Payment Accepted for majority of orders, and that status is set to automatically validate in Order > Statuses.


None of this make any sense. Happy to be enlightened as to what I am doing wrong.

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