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Payment via Sage in the UK

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Hi Mark,

I am half way there !
I have purchased a copy and installed it.
I have set my SAGEpay incryption password .
However I am getting an error message when I try to run an order.
I will oick through it and let you know how I got on.
Is yours up and running yet ?

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If you get any problems with the module send a message to Tomerg3, his support is brilliant any problems he will sort you out, I have not got my account with Sagepay set up yet as I need a merchant number from HBOS first which has been a right royal pain the arse, 7 going on 8 weeks for them to process it. If there is anything else I can help you with I will.



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Hi Mark,

I have written to Tomerg3 and he has already got back to me with some ideas of how I may get passed this - I will keep you informed.
I have an HSBC merchant account too and know how sloooooowwwww it was !!!

A simple way forward for you may be to apply for a merchant account via Google checkout in the interim and press that mod to install it in your Prestashop, you can temporarily suspend the other account.
Based on my experience with Google, you should be up and running in a day !!!


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Hi Mark and anyone else following this string !!!!
I am all up and functioning.
You are correct Tomer at http://www.presto-changeo.com/ was fantastic.
I am a real lightweight techie ( a deepend techie - in the deepend since my techie left !! ) and he has managed to hold my hand and walk me through this.

There are a couple of things that were rather strange happening and required sage to run it via a showpost account to flush out why the IP address was changing. So Tomer has rewritten the mod' so that it can be flipped into and out of this mode.

So as I say my cart is there now so thanks again for yoru help.

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Hi Mark,
Any new customer will get an improved mod now:
1) It has a facility to switch modes so that SAGE can see what IP address you are actually coming in from ( rather than the oen you thought you were as in my case !!
2) It has an install guide - I said I was a lightweight :)
3) If you do crash and burn when trying to place an order, it tells you why it has failed.

As you said this guy is good and Mr Tenacity here has a new and improved mod :)


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