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Problems upgrading PHP version

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I am using PS and I've recently noticed this message under "1-Click upgrade":



"You are using PHP 5.3.27 version. Soon, the latest PHP version supported by PrestaShop will be PHP 5.4. To make sure you’re ready for the future, we recommend you to upgrade to PHP 5.4 now!"


I have a cPanel based hosting (a2hosting) and when I change the PHP version, I just get an Error 500 in front and back office. If I return to PHP 5.3.27 all works fine again.


If I regenerate htaccess file after the PHP upgrade, backoffice keeps working, but not the front office. I gueess this may be an htaccess related issue instead of a problem with PHP version.


Has anyone had the same issue? Can you provide help, please?



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This is how I've solved it:


1.- Login via FTP to /public_html

2.- Delete php.ini and .htaccess

3.- Change PHP version from cPanel to PHP 5.0

4.- Regenerate .htaccess file under Preferences -> SEO & Urls -> set Friendly URL to NO and save, and then set it to YES and save again.


And that's it, all worked fine again.

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