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[SOLVED] => 1.3a1 Error

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When upgrading from to 1.3a1 I recieve the following error when running the installs script.

INSERT INTO `carrier_group` (id_carrier, id_group) (SELECT id_carrier, id_group FROM ps_carrier c, ps_group g WHERE c.active = 1)
(1146) Table 'happyfolkdev.ps_carrier' doesn't exist

Any ideas?

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download the svn version of DB. run it in phpmyadmin in prestashop DB. it's fixed there.

Hi muktadir,
I don't quite understand this,sorry for my english.,can you please explain. I got the same problem.

Thank you for your help!
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download the svn version of DB. run it in phpmyadmin in prestashop DB. it's fixed there.

Hi muktadir,
I don't quite understand this,sorry for my english.,can you please explain. I got the same problem.

Thank you for your help!

hi! go to this link and follow the instruction given at the bottom of the page in the section named 'SVN version for developers'

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