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Adding a new language.Missing categories.

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Hello Again.
Been working long hours to get the site live and finally did it today!!:-)Very pleased with the work done by all you folk at Prestashop. Its a quirky cart to get used to but fine.

Anyway to my question.
I am on the latest release and have had lots of success with 7 languages that I use.

however now I am adding other languages and the problem is that the "categories" do not show up. If I add tags they do show up in that language. I have added a category description (in backoffice)for the new language but it still does not show the category in the home page?

Also can someone please advise on how to use different translation files for:
* Delivery
* Legal notice
* Conditions
* About us

My default language is English but I want to write these in other languages and make them show when the user selects their chosen language.

Thanks again and best wishs.

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