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MultiStore Categories Shows 404 Page But Not Cms Pages Or Direct Product Links Only Categories

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Hi All.


Hope somebody can give me som addvice, iam running a shop at WWW.SHOP1.COM that works perfect with friendly url ON and i know from my hosting provider that Mod_rewrite is active. When i then access my second store at WWW.SHOP1.COM/SHOP2 the frontpage of the multishop works fine, also Cms pages and all product links but my categories give me a 404 error in the second store. When i deactivate friendly urls categories in shop2 works but it looks pretty nasty in the url.


How can it be that friendly urls work in the first store but not in the second store?


Other info: Shop 2 is a virtuel url



Please Help :)


Best regards.


Edited by Smartkoncept (see edit history)
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Hi All.


Hope somebody can give me som addvice, iam running a shop at WWW.SHOP1.COM that works perfect with friendly url ON and i know from my hosting provider that Mod_rewrite is active. When i then access my second store at WWW.SHOP1.COM/SHOP2 the frontpage of the multishop works fine, also Cms pages and all product links but my categories give me a 404 error in the second store. When i deactivate friendly urls categories in shop2 works but it looks pretty nasty in the url.


How can it be that friendly urls work in the first store but not in the second store?


Other info: Shop 2 is a virtuel url



Please Help :)


Best regards.


I got the same problem you have.

did you solved your problem?

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is the mod_rewrite activation on the on the prestashop backend or on the cpanel?


I cannot upload an image here, localization says:

Multistore NO

Default language English

Set language from browser YES

Default country United States

Set default country from browser language YES

Default currency Dollar

Time Zone Us Eastern

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