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Can't remove product combinations after prestashop upgrade to


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I upgrade to prestahop my store and now I can't remove product combinations .

When I click on delete button I get a message to confirm and after I confirm nothing happens .

I have inspected the button and the link looks like this 



It has amp; strings in the url for an unknown reason .


I have tried to remove those strings and access the url but it keeps redirecting me to product listing page without any message .

Also tried to replace the whole admin folder with the default one from ps theme but I have exactly the same issues .


Does anyone have any ideas why is not working ?



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I saw that the URL is coming from  


<a href="{$href|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}"{if isset($confirm)} onclick="if (confirm('{$confirm}')){ldelim}return true;{rdelim}else{ldelim}event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault();{rdelim};"{/if} title="{$action|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" class="delete">
<i class="icon-trash"></i> {$action|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}
I think that there is something with a javascript file .
Anyone has any idea ?
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