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[SOLVED]Different delivery only for manual order?

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Well the only chance is according to me - activate this delivery method only in case of creating this special manual order and then turn it off. 


Hi guys, I would like to ask you if there is chance to set up one delivery method only for manual orders?


I´ll explain my case : returned goods, customer was not home. I want to send it again but now with extra fee. From this reason I have created new product that is not visible for others only for me. I have created manually new order in back office with this product that is called - new shipment for products or smth like this with no fee cause this is not product. Well and then I should see shipping method I have also created. But it doesn´t offer me this method I have already created. See pls screens. Isn´t it problem that I have not marked them visible? But I don´t want to be this shipping method visible for anyone, cause it has to be visible only for me and for this reason. Do you have any advice?


Thank you  


Edited by domorodecmezilidmi (see edit history)
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