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Layered Navigation Auto Enable Filters - Preferred Stock

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Hi there


Using Prestashop 1.6 have a question regarding the Layered Navigation block.


My site (http://shop.more-control.com) has around 12,000 products on the store. If possible what I am looking to do via the layered navigation is add an extra filter feature called "Preferred Stock".


The issue now is that we have 100's of products in each category, whereas we would want only a small amount to display in each category as default, hit the tickbox and see the rest.


This would be auto enabled when you landed on the category page as a tickbox function. That way we can point customers to recommended items or products we have in stock as default. If they uncheck the "Preferred Stock" the rest of the products would show.


So my question is do know whether its possible to set 1 field in the layered navigation block to be active on page load? Or will it have an effect on the other filter features as well?


If you have any questions or would like more info feel free to ask.


all the best



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