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Featured product block "smaller" than new products block

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We are currently developing our theme and we are making some changes to our webstore http://koksredskap.com/.


At the first page you can see that we have the featured block on the top, there we have 3 products in a row. When you go down to the new product block we have 4 products in a row. It seems like it´s some kind of "border" at the new featured block but I dont know how to make it so its 4 products in a row there aswell..


Can someone help me?


All help is greatly appriciated.

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You'll want to look on global.css around line 270, there's a margin left of 22px being applied to all the list items on the featured, but on the bottom ones, it's applying a margin right instead, and removing the margin right on the last element of each row..


I'd recommend switching to margin right instead of left, and that way you can link to the last of line class and remove it for the fourth ones, should squeeze them in

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