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strange Bug in add to cart

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when i add a product to the basket and press back in the browser , it won't update the new product it goes to the old cache i think why is that ? 


and maby for help , when i screen record , it do update 90% of the time :S. 


example https://www.dropbox.com/s/js3pcfyk4m8pouq/blockcart.mov?dl=0

link to shop:http://new.nettotobak.com


i use: Prestashop

Edited by millien (see edit history)
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If I'm understanding you correctly, that's just standard behaviour for most browsers. When you hit the back button, it loads up the already cached copy of the page you were previously on, rather than just send you to the previous link and reloading the page again.


It's just a speed increasing method that a lot of them use

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Hmm, I don't know the specific function which causes it to act like that..


While it's true that it's updating the basket via ajax when you add to cart, what it's not doing is getting the basket each time you view a page via ajax, which the other site is


I've had a look, can't seem to find any way to enable that functionality either.. hmm.. perhaps it's just been additional functionality in some of the themes we've been using previously, I thought it was just standard behaviour of the blockcart module

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