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Visible breadcrumbs on all but one category

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There are breacrumbs showing on all categories, except for one. I checked the category to see if it was placed in the root (home) as the others are, and it was.


And I don't see anything wrong in the breadcrumb.tpl - do you? :/


<!-- Breadcrumb -->
{if isset($smarty.capture.path)}{assign var='path' value=$smarty.capture.path}{/if}
<div class="breadcrumb">
<div class="breadcrumb_inset">
<a class="breadcrumb-home" href="{$base_dir}" title="{l s='Return to Home'}">
<i class="icon-home"></i>
{if isset($path) AND $path}
<span class="navigation-pipe" {if isset($category) && isset($category->id_category) && $category->id_category == 1}style="display:none;"{/if}>{$navigationPipe|escape:html:'UTF-8'}</span>
{if !$path|strpos:'span'}
<span class="navigation_page">{$path}</span>
<!-- /Breadcrumb -->
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Can't spot anything offhand that might be wrong with it, no..


If you want to debug it a little, try changing the <!-- Breadcrumb --> to be:


<!-- Breadcrumb {var_dump($smarty.capture)}  -->


Then if you view the source on the category page that's missing it, it should have a little printout of what is inside that variable, might help figure out what's going on

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Thank you. 

I checked it and it was on display: none. It is also inside the center_column, instead of like on the other categories that are above center_column. So even if I force it to display it won't have the right placement. So weird. :S 

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Is the id of the category 1? I'd ruled that out as it should just be the root category in that case, far as I'm aware .. but that's the only one in there that gets set to display none.. and even so, it should be in the same section as the others I'd have thought.. so unsure what's going on there

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