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I receive the registering confirmation with password of my clients

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That's odd, just had a check through the Auth controller, and it does seem set up correctly to only send the mail out once, can't see anything in there which would be mailing it to the store email as well


Just to check, are two emails being sent out, one to you, one to the customer email, or is the customer email only being sent to you?


In the actual email body itself, it should also reference the email address. Is that the customers or your one that you see in that?

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Here's a copy of the email which should get sent out, if you could confirm it's this one you were receiving, and not a different one, might help track down the issue

Hi {firstname} {lastname},
Thank you for creating a customer account at {shop_name}.

Your {shop_name} login details    

Here are your login details:
E-mail address: {email}
Password: {passwd}

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Could you also let me know whether it was the customers name that showed in the : Hi {firstname} {lastname}, section
And also whether it was his, or your email which was in this bit? : E-mail address: {email}

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Yeah, that's very strange indeed then.. the email that's in the message body is the exact same one that says where the email should be sent


I've had a look through all the Mail and Swift mailer classes, no sign of anything unusual in either of them. Are you using any modules on top of the base install that could possibly be altering it in any fashion?

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I make an update to this topic...


after creating a fake account by myself, I saw that it's a copy that I receive, I had a verification email to the "customer" email I used, so it works.


the person who tested for me may have the confirmation email but maybe in her spam folder.


So, How can I disable the copy of my customers' registration email?

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