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How To Create a FAQ Page?


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Hey guys,
I want to create a FAQ page to the Prestashop C5. But i donot know how. So can somebody inform me?
Any advise is appreciated.
Better have the details.
Thanks a lot.


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If you want to create a simple manually coded one then create a new php file in your root directory (www.example.com/example.php

in that file add:






from above you can see that this example.php is calling for the example.tpl file, so in your themes directory you need to create the file example.tpl

at the top of example.tpl add:

{capture name=path}{l s='Example Page'}{/capture}
{include file=$tpl_dir./breadcrumb.tpl}

that changes the breadcrumb title,

then you could just create your faq page using normal html in dreamweaver etc.. and paste the code in, or a much better way would be to add it using css. like:

{l s='FAQ number1'}

{l s='answer for faq1'}

{l s='FAQ number2'}

{l s='answer for faq2'}

{l s='FAQ number3'}

{l s='answer for faq3'}

{l s='FAQ number4'}

{l s='answer for faq4'}

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last thing, you would need to link that page in somewhere, so either edit the themes/theme/sitemap.tpl and add a line for FAQ, or the modules/blockvariouslinks/blockvariouslinks.tpl file (that adds it to the footer) etc..

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  • 5 weeks later...
last thing, you would need to link that page in somewhere, so either edit the themes/theme/sitemap.tpl and add a line for FAQ, or the modules/blockvariouslinks/blockvariouslinks.tpl file (that adds it to the footer) etc..

How can I add a link to the Information Block (the block that has Delivery, Legal notice, Conditions, and About us)? I'm not very good at this stuff so any detailed, clear, step-by-step, simple instructions would be greatly appreciated!
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