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Get some order details on order confirmation for Analytics

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I'm trying to implement Analytics for ecommerce in Prestashop but I've got troubles to get some order details.


Here is the Analytics template : 

ga('ecommerce:addTransaction', {
  'id': '1234',                     // Transaction ID. Required.
  'affiliation': 'Acme Clothing',   // Affiliation or store name.
  'revenue': '11.99',               // Grand Total.
  'shipping': '5',                  // Shipping.
  'tax': '1.29'                     // Tax.

ga('ecommerce:addItem', {
  'id': '1234',                     // Transaction ID. Required.
  'name': 'Fluffy Pink Bunnies',    // Product name. Required.
  'sku': 'DD23444',                 // SKU/code.
  'category': 'Party Toys',         // Category or variation.
  'price': '11.99',                 // Unit price.
  'quantity': '1'                   // Quantity.

I have no problem to implement the first part of the code, but for the second part, I have to do a loop with each product details and I don't manage to do it...


For nom, I've got this :

ga('ecommerce:addTransaction', {
   'id': '{$id_order_formatted}',
   'revenue': '{$total_prod}',
   'currency': 'EUR'
ga('ecommerce:addItem', {
   'id': '{$id_order_formatted}', 
   'name': '{$contenu_com}', 
   'quantity': '{$nb_prod}',  
   'currency': 'EUR'

But this way I only get the first product.


Does somebody has the answer ?

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