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Changing background on page

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I´ve tried various ways to configure the background on my pages. I don´t mean the background on the page now because I wan´t a background image. However, where the products and text appears, I want it to be in a colour called #333333.


As you can see on this page http://whiskystenar.se/info/4-om-oss, it doesn´t look good because you cant see the text, so I want to add a background to that page. (this is a CMS page which is used on three of my sites, I´m using multistore)


Aswell offcourse on my product pages http://whiskystenar.se/19-whiskystenar, I wan´t it to be the same colour.


Can someone please explain how to do this?



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First I would like to get you straight.

1.You want to keep that background image that you use at the moment on the site?

2.You want to have all text on a different background colour?

3.You want the font colour to stay on "#333333"?


So it should look somehow like this obviously not so extreme colour:


Edited by thepan (see edit history)
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Fixed it by using changing in the global.css file in the theme directory.


#center_column {

  padding-bottom: 30px;


However now the "center_column sticks out alittle bit from the minicslider as you can see on attached picture. Tried a few stuff but didnt get it to work



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