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configuration help, multistore, zoning and faxing

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I am new to prestashop and am trying to work out if I need to set up a multistore or not and how to sort out order distribution between two store locations.


I have a shop with two store locations. All information is the same re products.


I have set up a module that determines shipping by zip codes. When the order is received, I need it to be sent to either Store A or Store B (this is going to be via fax hopefully). Can anyone advise if I need a multistore setup to acheive this?

Edited by slakalot (see edit history)
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I'm also new to Prestashop, but I think you need to enable the advanced stock management (preferences/products). 


Then you can set up 2 warehouses (stock/warehouses). For every product you can select warehouse(s) and carriers. So you can have for product A:

Warehouse 1: 100 pcs

Warehouse 2: 50 pcs

Be careful to assign carriers both to products and warehouses.


What I don't understand is after receiving an order what warehouse Prestashop selects to fulfill that order and why... Perhaps someone else knows?


There is also additional documentation here: http://doc.prestashop.com/display/PS16/Advanced+Stock+Management

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