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help with very basic question: image not deleting


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our site in 1.6, was slightly changed by a coder we had hired. the site page can be viewed here:-




The 2 scroller images that you see on top (the image that keeps changing with regular time interal), we want to update those images.


the problem is when we try to update those image in backend, by deleting the image in admin > category page, the image does not get deleted and nothing happens.


i am a very newbie in this field, but after searching through code, i found this variable:


{if $scroller_imgs|@count > 5}


which is where the system checks basically if there are any category scroller images specified.


I am wondering, is this variable $scroller_imgs, point to something in database (if so then i can change the image directly in database).


I tried to directly change the image by overwriting the image file in ftp, but for some reason, on page refresh, it keeps reverting back to old image.



I know I was not able to clearly describe the issue, but if it makes sense, can you help me please. i have tried to fix this for last 2 days and i am stuck

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