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Order confirmation, no payment details on bankwire


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Hi, please help, this is a big issue for me. I just notice just after I confirm the order in the shop, using bank transfer payment method, I get the relevant information on the last screen, including the account number etc. That works very well, great. And it says that this information is being sent in the confirmation email. Except when I look at the order confirmation email it doesn't have any payment details, only the product info, address and the fact that I chose to pay by bank transfer. This is going to frustrate any customer HUGELY. Specially after they closed the page thinking that they will have all details in the email. I a using the default bankwire module for this. It's not even in the included pdf. 




What can I do? 



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I found out what the problem was, the order statuses were rewritten to say something else and use different templates. That made a huge mess as to what was sent when. Leaving this post here in case somebody has the same problem!

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I have similar problem:

modul bankwire don´t send acount data for bank transfer to customer but send data about registration.

In one language(default) work well but in other 4 languages send data about registration insteadoff acount data for bank transfer.

Can you help me pls?  :-)

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Milosx check what template you have set for the bankwire order status, in those languages that don't work. It should be bankwire template, which is probably correctly chosen in the default language. Also make sure you don't change the name of the actual order status, only translate but keep the meaning. 

If that doesn't help, check the actual template bankwire.html (and bankwire.txt) in mails folder, in the languages that don't work and compare it with the default one. 

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In your prestashop backoffice go to ORDERS  and than to STATUSES. Open the module for Awaiting bankwire payment and check what template it uses for each language. Each time change the language in the dropdown next to status name, than look at the last line Template, if it says bankwire. If not, find it in the list. You can also see the preview of the template there. 

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