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Fetching 1 entry from database


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Hi, we've installed this module, giftonshop, and it works great.

But now we want something different done to it.

This module shows group of gifts with a product, as a extra, with each brand, you can choose from 4 gifts.

But it is also possible to have another group of gifts, which shows up as another div block where you can choose 4 gifts.

Those gifts are other products...


What we want is to have 1 block, showing all 8 gifts.

The problem is, that the block extra_right.tpl is called with every group of gifts.

So all the arrays in that block are concentrated one ID in the database, say for instance that group1, that has 4 gifts, has a ID of 21.

Group 2 has 4 gifts and has a ID of 22.
So when extra_right.tpl is called from ID 21, i cannot get products from ID 22.
And i do not know how to call them, i can make if statements and foreach loops, but they all contain the products from ID 21.

Here is the code:

{if isset($giftonorder_gifts_of_product) AND count($giftonorder_gifts_of_product)}
{foreach from=$giftonorder_gifts_of_product item=gift}
	{if sizeof($gift.gift_products_list) > 0}
	<div class="giftonorder_productgifts">

	{if $gift.id_giftonorder == 21}
	<h2>Amplug & Amphones</h2>
	<div style="padding: 10px">
	<p><span class="choose_gift">{l s='Choose your gift:' mod='giftonordermodule'}</span>
		<select name="noname" class="giftonorder_preselector" >
					{foreach from=$gift.gift_products_list key=key_gift_prod item=gift_prod name=counter}
				<option {if $key_gift_prod==$gift.index_selected_gift}selected="SELECTED"{/if} value="{$gift.id_giftonorder}_{$gift_prod->id}" >{$gift_prod->legend|truncate:2000:'...'|escape:htmlall:'UTF-8'} </option>
			{if $gift.id_giftonorder == 21}

			{foreach from=$gift.gift_products_list item=gift_prod name=counter}
			<option {if $key_gift_prod==$gift.index_selected_gift}selected="SELECTED"{/if} value="{$gift.id_giftonorder}_{$gift_prod->id}" >{$gift_prod->legend|truncate:2000:'...'|escape:htmlall:'UTF-8'} </option>
			<option {if $key_gift_prod==$gift.index_selected_gift}selected="SELECTED"{/if} value="{22}_{39492}" >MARK </option>
	{foreach from=$gift.gift_products_list key=key_gift_prod item=gift_prod name=counter}
	<p style="text-align: center">
		<img class="goo_preselectinfo goo_preselectinfo_{$gift.id_giftonorder}_{$gift_prod->id} {if $key_gift_prod<>$gift.index_selected_gift}hidden{/if}" 
			src="{$link->getImageLink($gift_prod->link_rewrite, $gift_prod->id_image, 'large')}"  
		alt="{$gift_prod->legend}" height="{$largeSize.height}" width="{$largeSize.width}" />
	<p style="text-align: center" class="goo_preselectinfo goo_preselectinfo_{$gift.id_giftonorder}_{$gift_prod->id} {if $key_gift_prod<>$gift.index_selected_gift}hidden{/if}" >{$gift_prod->legend}
		{if $gift_prod->price_without_reduction_wtx <> 0} 
			<span class="price strike">
			{if !$priceDisplay || $priceDisplay == 2}
				<span >{convertPrice price=$gift_prod->price_without_reduction_wtx}</span>
			{if $priceDisplay == 1}
				<span >{convertPrice price=$gift_prod->price_without_reduction_wotx}</span>
	<p style="text-align: center" class="goo_preselectinfo goo_preselectinfo_{$gift.id_giftonorder}_{$gift_prod->id} {if $key_gift_prod<>$gift.index_selected_gift}hidden{/if}" >
	<p class='align_center'><a class="button" href="{$modules_dir}giftonordermodule/all_giftonorder.php">{l s='See Conditions' mod='giftonordermodule'}</a></p>

The piece of code:
            {if $gift.id_giftonorder == 21}

            {foreach from=$gift.gift_products_list item=gift_prod name=counter}
            <option {if $key_gift_prod==$gift.index_selected_gift}selected="SELECTED"{/if} value="{$gift.id_giftonorder}_{$gift_prod->id}" >{$gift_prod->legend|truncate:2000:'...'|escape:htmlall:'UTF-8'} </option>
            <option {if $key_gift_prod==$gift.index_selected_gift}selected="SELECTED"{/if} value="{22}_{39492}" >MARK </option>


Is the place where it should get all the entries from ID 22, but how do i do it ?


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