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SubCategory Images and Shopping Cart item weights

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I am trying to figure out how to add images to the subcategory section in back office, but cannot seem to find where to apply the image.


Also, is there a way to tally up the weights per item at checkout and somehow apply the total weight to a postage rule so that for example;


coin A = 20 grams

coin B = 11 grams

coin C = 32 grams

coin D = 20 grams


if the total weight is say 83 grams, and Australia Post charges;


0g - 50g = $2.65

50g - 100g = $5.50


Is there a way to automatically apply a rule for shipping charges based on the total weight in the shopping cart? If not, I will have to find another way.


At the moment, I need to work out the subcategory image thingy. If I cannot do this, I will simply delete the image holders.





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