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[SOLVED] tags are not formatting text in some places

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Hi everyone,


I hope somebody can point me in the right direction to fix this. My client has chosen Simplio theme for his new site, all is working ok except in some places our browsers seem to ignore some tags. For instance this code from product.tpl produces the 'Data sheet' tab

{foreach from=$features item=feature}
		            {if isset($feature.value)}
		                <li><span>{$feature.name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</span> {$feature.value|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</li>

It should create a bullet type list and indeed the generated source is correct as far as I can see

<li><span>Aftercare</span> Dry cleaning recommended. Smaller sizes may be machine or hand washed with great care. Wash cool, do not ring, do not tumble dry, do not use bleach, do not iron. Wash separately, brush to restore pile/fur before totally dry.</li>
		            		        		            		                <li><span>Length of fur</span> approximately 1.2" (3cm)</li>
		            		        		            		                <li><span>Lining/Backing colour</span> Grey</li>

If I paste the source sample into here it works fine: http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_list_test


But on the product page it does not.


It is the same for product descriptions, bold, underline, etc most tags just get ignored.


Here is the product page, check the data Sheet does it render properly for you?




Any ideas whats going on, this is driving me mad.





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You need to make changes to css file.

For example you have this code in global.css:

ol, ul {
    list-style: none outside none;

That's why your list is not displaying bullets which is good for some other part of site


So to add bullets to your data sheet you need to add some code to global.css or product.css like this:

#more_info_sheets ul{
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ol, ul {
  list-style: none; 

Found that in global and removed it, lists and underline work ok now, just need to find the same for bold if I can and it will be sorted, thnx Dioniz for pointing me in the right direction.


Why anyone would write a theme and disable lots of formatting functions like bold, underline etc is beyond me and the theme was not free!

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