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Quantities for features

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I have several items that include multiple features such as different colors. Is there a way to enter the quantities on hand for each feature? (i.e. I have 3 blue but only 1 red in stock, etc.)


Edit: Apparently I meant Attributes, not features. I would like my customers to be able to select the color item they want, but if a particular color is out of stock, they shouldn't be able to select/buy that color.

Edited by Aelanna (see edit history)
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Ok, I found the correct settings for Attributes and there is a place to put different quantities, so I guess this is solved. :)


My confusion stems from the question: What is the difference between Attributes and Features?

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Only partially solved.... If a customer clicks into the category where the products are listed, and clicks on the product, they can select which attribute to buy. But, if they do not click on the item to get details, and only click on the Add to Cart button from the products list, the default attribute is added to the cart, and they don't get to select one.



Edited by Aelanna (see edit history)
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I finally figured it out on my own. For anyone else with this issue, here is the solution:


In the backoffice, go to Preferences>Products. Scroll down to Product Page, and Disable the option 'Display the "add to cart" button when a product has attributes'. This will make it so that the item can't be added to the cart until the customer has gone to the product's page and selected an attribute first.

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