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Word Wrapping

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Hi alltogether,


I am new to Prestashop and now I am customizing the Shop to fit it to the complicated german law.


I have now this issue:




I had to add some information to the tax_info (the law wants that). But now you see the line overrun. How can I include a word wrap here? I found the corresponding tpl, its the displayproductpriceblock.tpl, and this are the corresponding lines:

	{if $is_object}
		<span class="tax-shipping-info eu-legal">
			{if $tax_enabled  && ((isset($display_tax_label) && $display_tax_label == 1) || !isset($display_tax_label))}
			<span class="tax_info">
				{if $priceDisplay == 1}{l s='tax excl.' mod='eu_legal'}{else}{l s='tax incl.' mod='eu_legal'}{/if}

But how to add the word wrap, such that I have no overrun with bigsized displays and no unnecessary line-break (word wrap) in smaller displays (where this default responsive design changes the tax_info space, s.t. it has the full horizontal line, so no break is needed then).

But as a first result a simple break in all cases would be enough :)

The very same problem arises on the checkout page, when the display is smaller than 990px but larger than 770px. This is the result for those displays:



And also the responsiveness is gone and you have to croll horizontally to get the screen above.

Thanks for your help!

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