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Embed webpage from Topmenu

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I am new to Prestashop but have been working with Magento a couple of years. Have are planning to use Prestashop instead of Magento. I am using prestashop 1.6.08 with default theme.


I would like to create a link from the top menu that will embed a webpagehave into the side. My test site is www.divelife.se. When you press test on top menu I would like to come to an embed webpage like http://www.oceanictech.se/index.php/media/#/content/start/ .


So what I want is to logo and top menu part to be visible when i press "test". I need to be able to change horz/vertical size to fit in site.


How can I do it the easiest way. I have tried to create an iframe link and add it to top menu but top menu module refuse to accept it. I have under settings made iframe allowed. Can anyone tell me how to do it. 






Edited by tjorgensborg (see edit history)
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