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Global setting for email font-family, text colour?

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Hi there,


I was wondering if there is a global setting/css value for the font family and the text size used by all the mail templates, rather than changing mail templates one by one?


I know how to change the 'colour' in the back office, which affects the coloured bar at the top of the mails and certain text - however, I am specifically looking to specify a sans serif for the email body and specify a different text colour.



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Ok thanks.


When I check my mail, Outlook is displaying the resulting email in a serif face, despite making a change to use a sans serif in the html. What am I doing wrong? (<body style="width:100%!important;margin:0;padding:0;color:#333333;font:75%/150% Tahoma,sans-serif,Arial;" bgcolor="#ffffff">)

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I am not familiar with Outlook, as I mostly use web clients for emails, but isn't there a way that Outlook overrides the font-family? Might sound silly...

Also, try to change the font to this:

body style="width:100%!important;margin:0;padding:0;color:#333333;font:75%/150% Tahoma,sans-serif,Arial !important;"


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Thanks for the tip about Outlook. Doing a bit of Google research, indeed apparently Outlook doesn't obey the overall font spec, you have to add individual span styles and then it is supposed to work. Haven't tried this yet...

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