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RSS product feed (feed-url) http.

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Hello I'm trying to make a so-called feed-url.

When I type this in google I get forums about RSS products feeds etc.

Maybe that's the same thing I don't know, I just know what the programmer site tells me.


It's for a comparison site like kelkoo and such.

It says:


Enter the location where the feed is placed, eg:

A feed should be available at http location. (https, ftp and sftp are not supported)



Filename / location
The product feed must be stored in a continuously accessible location (eg www.yourwebshop.com/nameoffeedfile.xml). Once saved, the file name of the product feed may not change after uploading.


Now I am confused cause I'm already having a hard time exporting my files (products with prices and pictures) to a csv file on my PC. (there should be a free module in prestashop <_< )


So can anybody tell me how to accomplish this I'm currently using version 15.2.0 going to upgrade soon but first want to get these issues out of the way.

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