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Webgains Order Confirmation PayPal module

Pete Nice

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I'm just upgrading my site up to and I've got an issue with my Webgains tracking in the PayPal module.


I have an override for the OrderConfirmationController.php which works with my Braintree module - but the PayPal order confirmation seems to be ignoring this. Any ideas how I can get this to work with the PayPal module?



class OrderConfirmationControllerCore extends FrontController
public $php_self = 'order-confirmation';
public $ssl = true;
public $id_cart;
public $id_module;
public $id_order;
public $reference;
public $secure_key;
public $wgOrderValue;# total order value in the currency your program runs in (please do not include currency symbol)
public $wgOrderReference;
public $wgEventID=xxxx; # this identify's the commission type (in account under Program Setup (commission types))
public $wgComment; #optional field
public $wgMultiple=1;
public $wgItems;
public $wgCustomerID= '';# please do not use without contacting us first
public $wgProductID= '';# please do not use without contacting us first
public $wgSLang = 'php';# string, used to identify the programming language of your online systems. Needed because url_encoding differs between platforms.
public $wgLang = 'en_GB';# string, used to identify the human language of the transaction
public $wgPin = xxxx;# pin number provided by webgains (in account under Program Setup (program settings -> technical setup))
public $wgProgramID = xxxx; # int, used to identify you to webgains systems
public $wgVoucherCode; #string, used to store the voucher code used for transaction
public $wgCurrency = 'GBP'; #only the following are valid: AUD,CAD,CHF,CZK,DKK,EUR,GBP,HKD,HUF,JPY,NOK,NZD,PLN,SEK,SGD,SKK,USD
public $wgVersion = '1.2';
public $wgSubDomain="track";
public $wgCheckString;
public $wgCheckSum;
public $wgQueryString;
public $wgUri;
public $theCart;
public $total_products;
* Initialize order confirmation controller
* @see FrontController::init()
public function init()
$this->id_cart = (int)(Tools::getValue('id_cart', 0));
$this->theCart = new Cart($this->id_cart);
$this->total_products = $this->theCart->getOrderTotal(false, Cart::BOTH_WITHOUT_SHIPPING);
$is_guest = false;
/* check if the cart has been made by a Guest customer, for redirect link */
if (Cart::isGuestCartByCartId($this->id_cart))
$is_guest = true;
$redirectLink = 'index.php?controller=guest-tracking';
$redirectLink = 'index.php?controller=history';
$this->id_module = (int)(Tools::getValue('id_module', 0));
$this->id_order = Order::getOrderByCartId((int)($this->id_cart));
$this->secure_key = Tools::getValue('key', false);
$order = new Order((int)($this->id_order));
if ($is_guest)
$customer = new Customer((int)$order->id_customer);
$redirectLink .= '&id_order='.$order->reference.'&email='.urlencode($customer->email);
if (!$this->id_order || !$this->id_module || !$this->secure_key || empty($this->secure_key))
Tools::redirect($redirectLink.(Tools::isSubmit('slowvalidation') ? '&slowvalidation' : ''));
$this->reference = $order->reference;
if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($order) || $order->id_customer != $this->context->customer->id || $this->secure_key != $order->secure_key)
$module = Module::getInstanceById((int)($this->id_module));
if ($order->payment != $module->displayName)
* Assign template vars related to page content
* @see FrontController::initContent()
public function initContent()
'is_guest' => $this->context->customer->is_guest,
'HOOK_ORDER_CONFIRMATION' => $this->displayOrderConfirmation(),
'HOOK_PAYMENT_RETURN' => $this->displayPaymentReturn()
if ($this->context->customer->is_guest)
'id_order' => $this->id_order,
'reference_order' => $this->reference,
'id_order_formatted' => sprintf('#%06d', $this->id_order),
'email' => $this->context->customer->email
/* If guest we clear the cookie for security reason */
$this->wgCheckString = "wgver=".$this->wgVersion."&wgsubdomain=".$this->wgSubDomain."&wglang=".$this->wgLang."&wgslang=".$this->wgSLang."&wgprogramid=".$this->wgProgramID."&wgeventid=".$this->wgEventID."&wgvalue=".$this->total_products."&wgorderreference=".$this->id_order."&wgcomment=".$this->wgComment."&wgmultiple=".$this->wgMultiple."&wgitems=".$this->wgItems."&wgcustomerid=".$this->wgCustomerID."&wgproductid=".$this->wgProductID."&wgvouchercode=".$this->wgVoucerCode."";
$this->wgCheckSum = md5($this->wgPin.$this->wgCheckString); # make checksum
$this->wgQueryString = $this->wgCheckString."&wgchecksum=".$this->wgCheckSum."&wgCurrency=".$this->wgCurrency;
* Execute the hook displayPaymentReturn
public function displayPaymentReturn()
if (Validate::isUnsignedId($this->id_order) && Validate::isUnsignedId($this->id_module))
$params = array();
$order = new Order($this->id_order);
$currency = new Currency($order->id_currency);
if (Validate::isLoadedObject($order))
$params['total_to_pay'] = $order->getOrdersTotalPaid();
$params['currency'] = $currency->sign;
$params['objOrder'] = $order;
$params['currencyObj'] = $currency;
return Hook::exec('displayPaymentReturn', $params, $this->id_module);
return false;
* Execute the hook displayOrderConfirmation
public function displayOrderConfirmation()
if (Validate::isUnsignedId($this->id_order))
$params = array();
$order = new Order($this->id_order);
$currency = new Currency($order->id_currency);
if (Validate::isLoadedObject($order))
$params['total_to_pay'] = $order->getOrdersTotalPaid();
$params['currency'] = $currency->sign;
$params['objOrder'] = $order;
$params['currencyObj'] = $currency;
return Hook::exec('displayOrderConfirmation', $params);
return false;
Edited by Pete Nice (see edit history)
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