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[Solved] ALL SHOPS: only few products are shown

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I have a multistore with 5 shops on a PS

"01Mode" Theme

Layered Navigation module is installed and active.


When I go to "Catalog -> Products" if I switch to "All shops" I can see only few products instead of the total of them as I should have expected...


The products that are shown when "All shops" is selected are not shared.

And some of the products that instead are shared among all the shops are not shown.


All the products are associated to one (and oly one) sub-category in its own shop and to "homepage" elsewhere.


If I try to rebuild the index of Search feature, it doesn't work.

If I switch to "all shops" I can see that there are only, EG, 15 products (instead of 300). Exactly as described above. When I go into every single shop, I see the right number of products but only two or three are indexed (eg 2/100). And nothing happens when I try to add o rebuild the index. Even if the platform says that it worked.




Do you have any suggestion?



Edited by eFrancesco (see edit history)
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no one?

edit: seems that if I clone a product it will be added to "all shops" list. 
I've forgotten to say that the products have been imported from a csv file. But I can't say if those that appears in "all shops" they have been added after this import...

Edited by eFrancesco (see edit history)
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it was a problem with the "default shop": all the products were imported with a wrong "id_shop_default" (found in "ps_product" table).
I've found the right id inside "ps_product_shop" table and I've changed the wrong ones in "ps_product". And it worked.
And I was finally able to re-build the index in Search preferences.

Hope it may help someone.


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