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Category Images No Longer Change.

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Hi All,


This is a bug I've seen a few times on the forums but there doesn't seem to be an answer for.


I'm using while I wait for my theme to be updated to work with 1.6


I added category images a while back without any issues. I need to change them to show new images.

Although the backoffice shows the image change the website continues to show the old image.


Ive tried deleting all the smarty caches manually, resetting the browser, tried several image sizes, tried deleting the image and even tried reinstalling the category module but nothing works.


Can anyone suggest anything else.





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It's the Warehouse Theme. It's a very stable theme.

I've not had any issues previously and I've been using the theme for a while now. Nothing's been updated on it lately.

I update the standard modules as and when the BO lets me know they need doing but other than that, nothing.

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